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Author Topic: Opinions wanted - On catchdogs performance  (Read 9764 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #60 on: July 14, 2010, 10:54:05 pm »

nope they sure didn't... but 350 running down hill at 175 can cause concussions, paralysis, dislocated shoulders, pinched nerves and everything inbetween...after that game i was covered in ice the whole flight back to houston. i had every reason to quit during that game, that stuff hurt plain and simple, but I NEVER was my job to do that knives on them or not..the catch dog has a vest on right...i mean we are now making excuses for the catchdog...are you guys as lieneint with your bay dogs...say there is a hog right there at the side of the road, but they haul but down the road and never find hog that you say that dog is just having a bad day? their job is to find hogs..i'm pretty sure if you see a hog and your dogs don't find it we would all cull those why are we being so lienient with the catchdogs? their job is to catch under any means neccessary AND never quit catching...

the above post for some reason wouldn't go through, so i copied it and backed out and now adding on to

i like that analogy, it is a great one...ask bobby bowden how important the kicker is. fsu missed out on a host of nc's becaue their kicker could never seal the deal(and they were good in most games, but never showed up when they needed them most). they always got another "top rated" kicker in the off season. actually i played through a season where our kicker missed ONE PAT the whole year. he missed that kick in the last game of the season...guess what? we lost that game by one point, if we had won that game we would have been bowl eligible and we would have won conference outright. while i was in college out head coach always had two place kickers and one punter. the punter early on was taught how to place kick. if i'm the head coach i'm looking for another kciker as this kiker has shown that he can't handle pressure. you can't go into a game knwoing that if you need them there is a good chance they will chock. it changes how you coach teh game and how you call plays. i don't need that.

if i have nothing but that one dog then i will probally keep them UNTIL i found me another dog that was already catching. soon as i found a catch dog that i liked the other one is culled. i know teh other one will quit, they have showed me that, its time to see what the new one will do. while that is going on i most likely would be searching for a good cd breeder to get a pup from. i would say that the dog needs to get fixed as it isn't a top notch cd so there is no need in breeding it..

Pet's Choice BP, Houston Distrubution
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