Are you ready for an old farts 2 cents? When I first started hunting in the late 70's ther were no such things as cut vest and tracking equip. Two of us hunted together along with 2 finished dogs a pup and 1 catchdog. Gene would lead his one day me the next and we tried to hunt 5-7 days a week. Cathdogs saw their first hog in the woods, and they were the only catchdog there. This was probably was very stupid but it was done out of necesity because if we were starting a new dog it ment we had just lost one. A dog was not turned loose until we were looking at the hog. All of this prelim is just to show how our dogs were handled.
Had a gyp that had caught alot of hogs, taken alot of beatings, cut up severly and NEVER showed a bad sign. One afternoon we turned loose on a little boar about 150lbs. He broke just as we sent her. About fifty yards later he stopped in a running creek in about belly deep water. When we get there she is baying her heart out behind the find dogs. If this had been her first time out she would've been culled but, we kept her. She died the next year with a mouth full of ear. Never showed another bad hair. she was full pit.
Several years later had a realy fun to look at cur/pit male big stout, fast never miss kinda dog. One morning he was turned loose on herd of 10-15 hogs. He ran in, checked up and started baying. Who knows why? The hogs were rallying but he had been through that several times. The left out and Gator swallowed an ear. Afew weeks later at the exact location he did the same dang thing only this time it was on a single. He died years later with a mouth full and never showed bad again.
Both these dogs caught many hogs but were CULLS on these three days. What happened? I don't know. Through the years we've culled many dogs for many reasons. Not these two cause we knew what they could do.
ps. Ninja, your not the only one out of catch dogs. My grandsons are chompin at the bits rearin togo guess we'll find one soon enough.