I figure the less the public knows the better off we are...
I can appreciate where you are coming from with this comment, but on the other hand, I can tell you that there have been some people enlightened by being exposed to hog dogging in a good way. Had a PETA type gotten to them first, and educated them with a bunch of BS, then they might not have been so open minded when they were introduced to hog dogging.
I don't think the general public is ready to hear the ugly side of hog dogging, just like they don't need to see the ugly side of the livestock business. They just want to go to McDonald's and enjoy their burger. I think it does hog dogging good to show the property damage and economic impact that the hogs create. The general public does not have a problem with exterminators killing pests. I see hog removal as the same thing. When someone begins talking about the sport, and heritage aspect, I believe they lose the general public.