It was a long night... took 12 hours to catch a hog, but we finally caught one.
We had a first timer with us named Josh. Josh and I have been working together on various hog removal projects in the past several months. Last week, he picked up 1,000 acres we could run the dogs on. He also picked up a smaller ranch a few miles down the road for him to gun/bow hunt on. The lady who owns it was getting pics of two big boars on here game cam. Josh popped the big one about 9:00 last night. Chris, Mandi and I went and helped him get it loaded before we turned out. He went 310# on the scales... I wish we could have turned out over there! After a dry run, an hour drive and an hour nap... Matt met up with us this morning.
Me and Josh...
Josh's big boar hog...