i dont comment often , i just enjoy the stories. but to purposfully leave out that part of the evening is just wrong. paul is a very good story teller and usually does our hunts justice. but last night he did the ethd community an injustice by not telling of his own attempted heroics. the truth is when that 220#sow stood up paul thought it was making an escape up the corn stalk, so he quickly climbed up to head it off and i stole his thunder byattempting to subdue it befor it made the climb, sorry paul. next time i will just back up and let you handle the situation and then it will be story worthy. had agreat time with all the guys
My thought was you should never have let the hog up until it was expired! Due to the fact that we had clients standing around I did not want to bring attention to a most embarrasing situation! The way I see it you were like a fireman starting a fire so he can run in and put it out. Phillip I know you are a Bad A$$ But we should probably hide that from clients. Everybody knows Im to big to climb a corn stalk! I have to admit it was pretty impressive watching you manhandle that hog