I do all skulls this way.
Skin and get as much meat off as possible. That usually means the cheeks and tongue and eye balls.
You need a bucket or tub big enough to put the skull in and completely cover with water. Add about a cup of clothes detergent, put the lid on and put it where dogs and critters cant get to it in the sun.
In about 2-3 weeks, open and drain off water( watch for teeth pouring out. It really wont smell very bad. Use a s much pressure as you have with a hose to wash off the scum and such. May or may not need to soak in soap a few days more, but if it is clean, put it back in tub cover with water and add a cup of bleach. Put the lid on and let it cook in the sun for about 3-4 days. Take it out, rinse under pressure well and let dry.
Put the teeth back in and you are good to go. I do deer skulls this way also for European mounts. Just no lid.