I remove hogs for a living and I would not hunt a place with out pay unless a friend invites me along. I charge for small places $200 a night plus fuel and expenses. As for the crops I protect I charge a percentage of the yield. This way if its a bad yield or by some chance that the hogs do do damage it comes out of my money. I covered 285,000 acres of rice, corn, milo this year and when you work for 12 hours a night 7 nights a week for 5 months I doubt you would do it for free. That is around 2,000 hours. as much as most people work in a year, but this is not a hobby for me or my crew.
Totally different situation. Im with the rest of the guys. Just let him know you appreciate him letting you hunt. If he insists on paying let him buy you a couple sacks of dog food.