I know the age of the dog, been hunting with her several times. She has never fit this description....
The saddest part is that he will be hard pressed to find a CD as good as her much less better.
I can't say anything about the effects of being pregnant, and her catching...maybe that's the problem, I don't know...don't care, I just know the dog quit.
With regards to her being 14 months,
My catchdog started at 1 year old, in the woods, and has never looked back. He may catch a little wild, but if he EVER curs out, for ANY reason. He will never be used as a catchdog again. Had it been my white dog on the side of that lake Friday night, he would not have seen the sunrise Saturday morning.
Plus if she is a cull why would he sell her as a CD and use my name.
Beats the heck out of me. Maybe because he is a teenager and doesn't know any better. I know that at dinner Friday night, he sure spoke highly of your dogs. Maybe he still thinks highly of her. I am the one that says she is a cull.... Maybe I have more expectations of a 14 month old catch dog... heck, you already said she was as good a catch dog as he could find... If you think a re-gripping, dog that quits when the going gets tough is a good catch dog, then I know where not to look when I am in the market.