« on: August 13, 2010, 04:57:41 pm » |
I use panacur and strongid. Worms will become immune to strongid after a year or two. Then you use panacur the worms will not become immune to panacur, and if you use it 3 days in a row it will kill everything including tapes. After you are on panacur for a year you can go back to strongid because the worms that built up immunity died off while you were on panacur. For Strongid use 1 CC per 10 lbs. For Panacur use 2.3 CC per 10 lbs. The panacur is $140 per Liter and Strongid is $45 per Liter. For ivomec use 1/10 of a CC per 10 lbs. with a .5 CC max. This is how my vet told me to care for my dogs 7 years ago and it works.