I heard that waaaay back in the day like 5 years ago people used to catch hogs without a garmin.
I don't think I believe them though
Well you can believe em . I was one of em . I hunted for years even without any type of tracking system. Then finally got up enough money to buy a Wildlife System and used it for several years and just in the last 1 1/2 years have I had the Garmin . It is a Luxuary to have.
I know what you mean about people being glued to the screen . I use Mine more as a tool and Like Mike said on ly move up closer to the dogs if they are bayed or getting out of range . And thats what happened to me the other day. When they broke they left the country and I didnt have a clue as to which way they went . So I was sitting there with my thumb up my butt waiting on dogs for over 2 hours when it might have been another caught hog.
Any way this aint a debate , I just need another Handheld Unit .
No I havent checked with Garmin. But I will