Damn.....what is up with all the monsters you catch? Its a weekly deal for you. He gots some big ol balls...
It's mostly just luck
. But your chances of catching a big hog go way up if you hunt for mainly big hogs. A lot of times I won't even turn loose unless I find a big track..
Ask him how many kills compared to how many he catches...pretty solid correlation there.
Good hog Matt. Never hunted behind Patrick, but I like him already
Maybe someday we'll get a chance to make a hunt. And hopefully he won't embaress me too bad.
I can't believe some of yall don't know what chuffas are. I figured they would be big in texas. Lots of turkey hunters plant them around here for their turkeys. Hogs absolutely love them. So yeah Matt aggie. Plant you some chuffas
Kevin , how are your pups?