What are you going to do for water?? I had a long set that I ran 4" pvc all the way thru and just outside the first pen I rigged a float, cut a small hole in the top of the 4" pvc in every pen so the dogs could water. I used screwed ends so if I needed to wash out or something, usually kept clean chemically(bleach). It seemed like the white pvc helped keep the water a little cooler, because mine where on cement like yours I even would jam the float a little in the summer so it would run over(just slowly) keeping a little cooler water flowing in all the time. Really looking good.
I thought of something along the same lines, but the only thing that worries me about that is one dog being sick and having the same water source as the others. I know it's probably a long shot.
I was worried about sickness too. I was thinking about one pvc water line with a faucet at each kennel. Then use a float from Tractor Supply and use metal bowls or container so the dogs don't chew em up. Then you can turn the faucet off in an empty kennel. My dad was talking about the one valves you put on a faucet and they lick to get water. That way there is no bowl to get dirty. He wants to use all metal pipe in the kennel so the dogs don't eat it.