Some good info folks and I really appreciate the comments.
Its gonna be hard to beat a camera in a tree and maybe a decoy camera close by.
One thing you can be sure of is I will be posting the pictures if I ever bust someone with it. I have had a few things conveniently lifted out of my garage this past year and I want to bust whoever it is. I hate to think its a neighbor or someone I know but it sure seems that way. Just certain items are missing. Its almost like they had a specific item they were after and that’s all they took.
Hopefully I will catch em!
I am waiting on my cousin to call me back. It may take a few days but he knows a few things about getting pictures of people trying to take stuff. I just lost his number so I had to call my mom to call her sister and have him call me. But it is worth the wait. I will tell you in person what he does. But there are very few people that know than he does about the subject.