The people I grew up around called all spoted cur dogs leopards. In La. and Miss. they called the spoted dogs leopards and the solid colored dogs catahoulas. Now days, the spoted stock dogs are catahoulas and the american leopard curs are the east coast, open on track, tree dogs. They are said to of been around for many years but were very rare untill Richard McDuffie brought them back starting in the 60's. The funny part is, the three main dogs he used came out of Texas. A reliable source told me they came from Cowboy Williams and were July Catahoula crosses. That might be the reason for the double coat. The UKC registers the as American Leopard Hounds.
Very interesting bit of info here bigo. And yes, they were recategorized in 2008 (I think) in the UKC registry from cur to hound after the breeders petitioned them. They did this to compete against the hounds in UKC competitions.
A friend of mine owned and hog hunted with a full blooded Leopard cur. That dog was he!! on wheels! A hog hunting machine!
He had a double coat of hair and I think that is what killed him. I was sick about it because that dog was special in my eyes and he died in my yard where my buddy kept him after finding and baying hogs all day one summer!
It was either his dad or his cousin that got the dog from Cowboy Williams but Im not sure.
Its all hearsay and I will try and verify the story with my buddy but I do know one thing for sure; That dog was a cold nosed, silent tracking, double coated hog finding machine!