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Author Topic: Burning the Koran  (Read 7915 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2010, 10:12:27 pm »

Fellers, I dont know all there is to know about politics,, but I can read the writing on the wall..This great country that our Christian forefathers founded is Under attack and its just that simple.. Sure they can sugar coat it all they want to by tellin us that it is only a slim few that are Radical,, that the muslim culture is generally peacefull,, Fellers, I have gotten the chance to actually read the Koran and it specifically states in order for a Muslim to be saved He must kill Infidels.. Now ,,, the book I was brought up reading and learning,,, says nothing to me about killing to be saved.. We are two different worlds here, and I dont care how much they sugar coat it or how they try to be politically correct with the facts... That is the problem with our great nation,, its time we as CHRISTIANS stand up and say we are not going to take it anymore,,,, that we are tired of them shoveling there crap down our kids throats at school,,, and how that we are suppose to ACCEPT all this because we are suppose to be Bigger than they are... BSSSS...Our country didnt get founded on tucking our tail and running,,, its like this way because Men stood up and died..I dont give a 2 bit damn if it hurts their feelings or if its the Turn the other cheek method,,Sometimes its not the time to be Passive, its time to be reactive . Now could you imagine, a Pentecostal preacher flies to Iran and gets on National Tv and says I am going to build a church here and if yall dont like it Too Badd because if yall object the idea,, there will be more violence towards your people.. People might think that these people are over here because they want to live like us and share our way of life,,, then why is it that they are the ones tryin to shove their beliefs down our throats and we have to stand there and take it because our government protects them...

Hoghunters do it deeper in the bush.
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