not good brother, thats a sh*tty deal and i hope that its taken its final toll and thats the end of this dilema for you. keep us updated on the situation. where have you been hunting lately? do you think this is something in our neck of the woods or have you been hopping around all over lately? do you think you'd be able to remember where youve hunted all the infected dogs in the past 3 weeks and possibly red-flag a certain area to keep the heck away from? since i hunt nearby some of your spots back home i sure as hell dont want to run into this either. that sounds like a nightmare come true. im sorry i dont have much info on it to help you out besides what google told me but someone had already posted that info for ya. but again thats a major kick in the nads and sorry it happened to you and if you have any clues on where it may have come from please share any ideas with us or PM me if you have it narrowed down to an area around our stomping grounds so we can try to contain and knock this crap out as best we can. if its local, as payback for your loss ill call up my chopper pilot buddy and he'll take us up and knock em out a more dog-friendly way.

best of luck amigo. -lawson