I hunt horse back. I currently lead my cd behind my horse it works great. I have trained CDs to heal and walk beside my horse. I start out teaching them to heal while walking and get a good handle on them and then carry that over while riding the horse. I use an e-collar some to get their attention. Some CDs are easier to train than others, but most catch on pretty fast.
Im working on a pup just like "leonriverboy" is right now. He is doing remarkably well with his training for a 4 month old pup. Im sure most of it will go out the window when I show him a hog next year! lol
It takes the right kind of dog and temperament to get a good handling CD to heal to your horse and catch on command but they are out there.
I have been real impressed with some of the hunters on this board that are doing it with full blooded pits.
Do you have the CD PUP yet or are you looking for a prospect?
I have a friend that leads his CD from his horse at times and others she will ride across his lap. It works out pretty good for him.
This topic reminds me of a few times when I was leading a CD from my horse. Be careful he doesn’t pass you and pull the lead under your horse’s tail! I hate it when a hog hunt turns into a rodeo! Lol