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Author Topic: which dog is finding???  (Read 1797 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: October 16, 2010, 03:27:35 pm »


That's a good question. Some hunters think they have a good pack of strike dogs until ole Smokey gets lost or killed and all of a sudden the rest of the pack quits catching/striking hogs... Smiley

So,,, having said that... We all should know what each dog in the pack is capable of doing and what role they play. It is like a football team, it takes all kinds to make a good team. A pack dog that doesn't strike but makes every step with a strike dog once the hog is bayed, and if the hog breaks bay to stick with the race until the hog is caught, then that dog is also a very important part of the team if he contributes to catching hogs. That dog might be the best stop dog in the pack.

"Which dog is finding" is a good question that needs to be answered honestly and each dog in the pack needs to be evaluated correctly. But it is just as important to identify what role each dog plays and how well they play it. This way a cull won't be slipping through the cracks and it can be replaced with a better team player when the oppurtunity is there.

Identifying and evaluating the find dogs is very important. This will tell us which dog is best at striking and also just might be the one that gets to breed to improve the line. Smiley


Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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