If you have a pack of dogs on the ground how does the first bark tell you a thing? That dog didn't necessarily find that hog he was just the first one to open or he's the one who stopped it. Hunting them one on one is the only way you are going to know what kind of dogs your feeding. Might also tell you some things you didn't want to know.
his question wasnt which dog STOPPED the hog! IN any competition hunt I have ever been in, whether it be coon hunting or a beagle event the first dog to bark is the first dog to strike! If you call him struck. Unless the dog is found to be Babbleing in which case it will be penilized by the judge and will reflect on the score card. This is why a silent dog can not be legally hunted in competition. If you are hunting with silent dogs the first bark should tell you everything! "Hey Here is the Hog, I found Him".