« on: October 27, 2010, 09:49:13 pm » |
no i dont ever go near houston case.
im going to tell ya that dog hunting is probably the most competative sport there is. it brings out the worst in SOME people. ive got a buddy that ive been friends with since elementary school. im 29 now, so a long time. we got into hog doggin at the same time, bought some dogs and started hunting together. that lasted a couple of months cause we had the same hunting land. he wasnt as committed as i was so he wasnt alway willing to go. when i started catching " his " hogs the whole hunting partner thing busted wide open. i became his competator. to this day, he'll get a call by someone wanting him to come help with their hog problem and it would be too far of a drive for him. but be down the road from my house. wont even give them my number. cause he doesnt want me catching the hogs. but will call me and tell me about the place he had to turn down. its sad to say your buddies might have seen you as competition once they saw you starting to get your own pack together.