Rowdy and Bryant don't weaken.
Not sure what that comment means, Des. Like I have said MANY, MANY, MANY times before what I do is what works for me and what produces as an end result dogs that match my personal style of hunting. Never have I said that I produce or have better dogs than anyone else's but in my opinion and for what I look for in my dogs they're pretty darn good. Check with Scott and see what he thinks....he's hunted (and caught hogs) behind a couple of 'em.
And ask all the questions you want... thats what these boards are for... hunters helping other hunters.
Close range, long range, rough, loose, open, silent... you'll get all different styles from all different hunters. There is no one way better than the other... you just have to decide what suits and makes you happy.
I agree 100%. The answer is, there is no answer. I enjoy reading (and learning) all the different ways people go about achieving the same end result. PORK!