I ended up catching 13 pigs, and also had two deer to trail, so the dogs got some good work on hogs as well as blood trailng. I "strategically" stuck a few hogs and let them go to create blood trails. None went over a couple hundred yards and it was good work for the dogs. They all also got their fill in the bay pen/backyard. All are doing great. Just can' wait for rifle season to be done so I can get'em back chasing hogs in the woods. Also looking forward to trapping some fur next month. The jagds always sniff out a few coons while on the creek banks trapping which makes for added fun.
All hogs and deer are cut up, deboned, processed, packaged and in the freezer. Now I've got to sharpen every knife I own.
Five more caught on Black Gold and pomegranats (believe it or not!)
One of the ones I stuck and released to trail.
Just finished loading two more from this trap. It's nice when you have plenty help, even if she is up top telling you how to do it :lol:
Savannah skinning a lil'un
I just liked this picture of Tonka.
"Ith goth hogth hairth onth myth thung!"