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Author Topic: Kevlar in ugly dog vest??????  (Read 1557 times)
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« on: November 11, 2010, 12:28:03 pm »

I believe the number you are speaking of is the thread count not really the thickness
The tighter the weave the higher the thread count, and the looser the thread count the more breathable the material is, and the less abrasion friction it can take before coming un weaved or frayed , thats another reason for sandwhiching the material between the Cordura (also claimed at one time to be ballistic material, but was just another way of saying same cloth used in ballistic itemsl, however Cordura/ballistic is the same material used in the Carharts because it wears better against brush and snags from everyday use that the Kevlar can't withstand, the Kevlar has one purpose to stop the sharp object at close range from breaking through the material, thats about all its good for. so you have to consider the whole combination of materials and how they are matched together

Thats why the Bullet proof vests are made of so many layers of kevlar, piled upon each others and thick. They can stop some bullets but not all the velocity of the bullet is traveling at such a high speed and has icredible impact and may penetrate many layers of the kevlar before being stopped.

You look at the Crahart name brand, and then the knock offs side by side some will use the same thread count and others will definately not have near the amount of weaves in the same amount of space, the tighter the weave the more resistant the material is against fraying and snagging OR more importantly the penetration of briars/thorns

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