One question about the water container on the box, is there a reason you went with the neck style filler rather than a typical screw on lid on the top of the water container? And how do you dispense the water out of the container? I really like the idea and it will be super handy for washing hands, cuts, and watering dogs. Very well thought out.
His Florida buddy has a top fill spout. He thought it would be easier to fill if it was "outside" the box. Less water dripping down inside the box. The exit hole is just inside the box under the driver side diamond plate. Alan is going to put an elbow and valve coming out. I'm sure he will post pics once he is finished. The exit hole is 1/2".
I'm wanting to see some pics with his dogs inside the box. I want to see what kind of room he has in there. Can't wait to see swine up top.