« on: November 26, 2010, 11:30:16 am » |
We live on a farm down a private dirt road that is close to Fort Polk and people see dogs running around, they automatically think that they should drop the dogs off. Alot of it as bad as I hate to say it is soldiers who got caught with dogs thats not allowed on post so they go right off base and drop em off like its going outta style. We probably get 4 or 5 dogs a month. The worst thing I've ever seen, was a litter of 6 bulldogs that were about a year old that were all shot and left in the middle of the road. I actually called the Sheriffs Dept on that one, because it was the sorriest thing i've ever seen. Pretty pathetic in my opinion to let a dog starve or put it off on someone else to take care of it.