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Author Topic: Im right, your wrong!! Wanna Fight  (Read 1766 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: November 28, 2010, 08:40:53 am »


When I was a young man my grandpa taught/told me something that I have reflected back on often, even tried to teach my kids, grandkids and a few other folks through the years.
Since these arguments and debates you speak of are usually based on disagreements of facts or opinions, or emotions or some other selfish motive I thought of what he told me and thought I would share it.

People make decisions based on really 4 things. Emotions, gut feelings, life’s experiences and the facts or knowledge they have at hand.
Lord knows making a decision based on emotion is generally not a good thing. Thinking with your heart instead of your brain will often lead you down a wrong path in just about any decision on anything.
Gut Feelings- I reckon there are times when a feller is forced to take a stand and has no option other than to make a decision. He may not have all the facts he needs, so he weighs his life’s experiences, feels the emotions within and hopefully uses the facts or knowledge he has and goes with his gut feeling.
Life’s Experiences – From birth to death, is there any one alive who don’t constantly have experiences through out their life that changes their position or opinions on some subjects? Lord knows as we walk through life the knowledge and facts we gain through those experiences mold and shape opinions, our positions and us. The result is and should be - we along with our opinions and positions change.
Facts and knowledge is the big one my grandpa really drilled me on. He said son, as you come into position of more and more facts and as you experience and learn things through living, your ideas, opinions and positions WILL change. It is the fool who sticks his feet in the ground and plows furrows to defend his ego or some other selfish motive when he learns the truth.
Then he said: Just remember your truths can change with more facts, more knowledge and life’s experiences.
So Ben, most of these disagreements and arguments are also based on those 4 things. Some may be right, many think they are right, some don’t know, some don’t care and some plow furrows for the sake of ego or some other selfish motive.  It’s people, it’s life and it will always be. It is what it is.

Daddy always said, Listen with ya eyes because  your ears will lie to ya..
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