« on: November 29, 2010, 07:57:11 pm » |
I have a gyp out of the same cat blood line as the rest of my dogs; she is super shy and scared of everything. I found out she was raised in a small pin and never let out until she was a year old. I picked her up because I wanted to give her a chance to come out of her shell. I chained her by the front door and gave her special attention. After about two weeks I turned her loose thinking she would not bother any thing. About two weeks later my wife called me and told me the neighbor called balling like a baby and mad. Seems that Dutches and the dogs that belong to the neighbor down the road killed her cat, and this was a special cat, and belongs to her granddaughter. After talking to her and thinking everything was ok, SHE CALLED THE COPS. So much for understanding neighbors!!!