That is almost the same concoction I came up with a few weeks ago just throwing stuff in the pot. Except I didn't think to put ranch dressing mix or cilantro. It was so good I have made it two more times. I'll have to try the ranch and cilantro on the next run. One more thing I have a bit different, is that I have my venison ground with smoked bacon and jalapeno, so it gets a bit of kick not found with hamburger. I made some sweet cornbread to go with it, I was so proud of how it turned out, I even took pics

Taco soup


I'll have to try your cobbler recipe too. I've been making mine with one box yellow cake, two cans sliced peaches, stick of butter, and lots of cinnamon. Never thought to add pecans to the mix, but it sounds good.
Still waiting on Craig to post up his famous Pineapple Upside Down cake that he made at the Rooter Roundup.