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Author Topic: Mr HG Bear Hunt  (Read 3792 times)
Mr. HG
Strike Dog
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Posts: 357

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« on: November 20, 2008, 08:36:04 pm »

I don't know where to start I guess by saying I am impressed watching  those hounds work. It is unreal how pro dogs are. There was  two pro guides at our camp and we had one new to bear hunting come up and then we had what we I guess I better say me a weekend warrior actually two of them.We hunted a National Forest what they call quota bears they want to get rid of so many bears the season is about 4 monthes it cost 3500.00  a person.The reason I told you the cost is  that this is big buisness no room for B.S or crappy dogs to keep your clients the hunt is not guarenteed but the shooter better see a bear because the shooters know that they are there.When you get your permit they tell each person what the number is that has been killed and how many more there is left to kill.Anyway off to the camp one guy hunts a mix of hounds one guy is a third generation hounder but he left the families strain of dogs and went to Blue Ticks.They start in the mornings by rigging they drive the moutain side  at 10 to 15 miles per hour when the dogs open he can tell by the way they sound how close the bear is. When we leave in the mornings we split up into 2 to 3 rigs who every strikes has a chance to run it then call for back up once they get it goin to try to hunt a larger area about 20000 acres  of mountains and get the shooter a shot at what he came to Cali for.But you best believe if you start one if your dogs quit you catch it at camp I mean it is so competitive I loved it.I told my dad if there was bear and cats in Texas he would be raising his grand kids the average race is about 4 to 6 hrs from starting the bear to getting the hunter a shot in the tree or on the ground.When the dog wind one they put a start dog down that dogs job is to get gone and go run that track hot once he locate bawls they start sending him help they guys will not really start turning dogs loose until more people show up to get there dogs some work. If one guy used only his dogs and the race goes the 3 to 6 miles like it does it breaks your dog down or if a bear won't go up a tree the dogs will start fighting him and then you might be out for the season.The dogs go until the bear trees or stops and fight and then the chop mouth starts you try to drive as close as you can the start up or down the mountain.Those blue dogs if the bear won't go up they will catch him if he is 250 or less and stretch him they are bad as_ I mean 4 or 5 of his blue dogs.They also can drive and put them on a track if its 8 hrs or less they say 85 0/0 they will   see the bear if it 8 to 12 hrs about 60 0/0 they will see it then come down 10 0/0 for every hr after that. The most fun I have ver had with my clothes on. The pen is for milage I got to run the log and track the dogs Blue boxes WF and johnson collars they think they are the best for what they do.Its a whole lot more but hopefully thi gives people an idea I'm going mountain lion hunting next September and also they run bobcats and lions with the same dogs no trouble.Some of those hounds blue red and brindle alike some of the fastest dog I have ever seen I mean I started to cull all mind and get some blue hounds smoken drive and speed NOS.
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