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Author Topic: GHOST HOG  (Read 1257 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: December 23, 2010, 11:12:54 am »

There is one hog on one of our buddy's properties that seems to be unstoppable. We seem to get on this hog every time we go to this place. He will bay just for a minute, just long enough to do some damage to the dogs and then the race is on and this long winded hog doesn't have any stop to him. Judging from the depth of the puncture wounds he inflicts on the dogs, he has some pretty good knives on him. This has been going on for several months now and we want to see this "ghost hog" caught.

Might have to send in a running catch dog. Any ideas?Huh?Huh???

We had the same exact scenario years back with a big boar. It went on for several months and we noticed he kept the same routine.

We made a plan to send my brother from one side and a friend a little further.
I then turned the dogs loose and struck pretty quick and the dogs ran him past my brother and they caught him right by our friend. The big boar beat the dogs back and were baying and the hog chose to stay and bang up the dog a little before breaking but my brother got there and siced the dogs and they caught just long enough for Greg to get in and stick the hog. He was tall and long but not real heavy for his size. He weighed about 275. That was a real good night for us. This hog had taken down one of our dogs previously.

You might have to make a plan like this one and maybe have a good catch dog ready and waiting.

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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