« on: December 29, 2010, 10:27:30 am » |
when you link up with your collers, it tells you another coller is interfering with your coller, and it will ask you if you want to change that collers frequency . just hit yes on your GPS and it will change it . after you do this your buddy my have to add that coller back to his GPS so he can pick it up. or he can just enter the new frequency in , for that coller he already has stored. also some times when you turn your collers on if it does not pick up a coller that you have stored, you can delete that coller out of your GPS and then just re add it back to your GPS and then it will pick it up .. I have this problem some times , but I also have 8 collers stored in my GPS unit. also something to be aware of is, if you are hunting an area , say a WMA and another hunter comes up to you and says , he is also hunting in that area and he ask you what frequancy your dog collers are on so he can change his so they dont interfear with each other , DONT EVER give him you dogs frequency. the DC-30 collers do not have the capability to lock out another GPS UNIT. and if he is a crook he will track your dogs and find them and steal them and then change the frequency on the coller, and bingo you have now lost your dog. it will show lost contact, and before you can figure it out , your dog is now out of the county .... I hope this will help you out some. it is heck some times trying too figure these things out on your own, happy hunting.