« on: January 06, 2011, 10:24:55 am » |
California charges $18.95 per hog tag you can buy as many as you want and lets not for get the fact that you have to use copper bullets( because of the california condor) and you can only use dogs if you are going to kill the hog with a gun that must have a centerfire round in it and it must be copper!!! You can not use GPS tracking units on your dogs to hunt of any kind, even if you you have an older tracking unit if it has a treeing switch on it you can not use it. You can only hunt hogs in the day light like normal big game. What do you expect from a bunch of tree hugging liberal hippies and now the reelected Jerry Brown one of the most liberal governers. God help them I have some family that lives there I get told all the time it just gets worse and worse. I have friends that still guide hunts there and they have some of my dogs there most of the time they have to take the clients back to the lodge befor they go find the cripple hogs. Because the do not let them see the dogs work and get cut. One thing is can say for california hogs they do have some good teeth, Have seen lots for my self. JMO