I'm confused
I thought hunting was supposed to be an enjoyable, fun, memory making experiance..... All I ever hear from "hard-core" deer hunters is whine whine whine.... The dogs are messing my hunt up, the hogs are messing my hunt up, the hogs tore my feeder up, the land-owner drove by, the winds blowing :'( :'( :'(. I mean, every excuse in the book to why they didnt get that buck AGAIN this year. Reminds of me of the "hard-core" golfers.
If you have a problem with hog doggers then take it up with them, not the dogs that are out there simply doing what we ask them to do. Seems to me like the mean kid that likes to poke sticks at innocent animals never actually grew up. How can you have so much hate that you would shoot an innocent dog for walking through your hunting area?
I can understand shooting a dog for running someone's livestock, farm animals, or trying to hurt a person. But just because you were sitting in the stand and he walked by??? CMON!
Just my two cents, and I couldnt imagine how I would react to one of my dogs getting shot by someone in a stand. He and I just better hope we dont have to come to that one day.
I would like to add, that I would never dump out on a lease during deer season or close to where my dogs may cross a hunters path, but sometimes things just happen.