« on: January 14, 2011, 01:13:27 pm » |
The dog aggression can be worked out in time. Depending on the the behavior of the dog. I have a alpha bitch who will not tolerate another dog who is not working meaning if the other dogs are in the woods and want to play grab ass then she will check them. I got her going late but I was able to soicalize her with a guy and his dogs everytime he went out. After awhile she knew what her job was. Anytime I take her around new hunters I get there early so I can let her be around the other dogs. try walking the dogs before you load up. The last thing you want is your dog attacking another mans hunting dog. I wouldn't put those dogs on a hog if it's never done it before no matter what the breed. Just because it has prey drive doesn't mean it will engage with a hog. IMO you should start them on something small where you have some contol. If you put them on something to big the first time you risk ruining the dog or worst getting them injured. I don't know if you heard the sound of 250lb bore being caught but it's not for the faint hearted. And for god sake don't let those dogs get a sow corned with her babbies. Good Luck