I think the style of hunting is fine and dont care how the dogs work, breed, size etc. In one sense they have done a good job because the show has gathered attention because of the controversial person(s) they chose to do the show. The have three groups of hog removel services and not one can really be taken seriously or depictate an effective means for catching hogs. (if there is an effective means) Nonetheless if the show was about catching hogs...they could have found a dozens hunters to do a better job.
As a person or friend Im sure the guy is good as a few of you have said. My comments stem from years of ignorant, outlandish and incorrect statements he has made on this board and others. His catching success and videos sure dont back up his comments and postings throughout the years. I really cant imagine him believing the things he has said in the past....I think he likes the attention and controversy.
It has somewhat put him in the spotlight at times, drawn attention to himself, website and now this show....not bad marketing. I give him props for that....as far as catching hogs or suppoerting hog hunting himself...