I dont think L3 will tell us anything because he dont seem to have the wherewithal to get on here and do it. Guess he is too busy re-writing the boarhound standards.
I watched it again and there was some good and a lot of bad. The narrator's " Hahg ", the scripted way it was done, Crocodile Dundee saying he was going to take it to the hogs and gets his bow.
And most of all, taking 1 or 2 hahgs and then making out like the Flower Child in HI was now safe, or tye school kids were safe, or the deer .
But, if any of you have ever been around sure enough city type folks that have never been in the woods, much less hog hunting, I can assure you a lot of them thought that stuff was super hero like. I have friends in other states I send pics to all the time and they act as if legging and sticking a hog has to be the ultimate. I know its a rush, but for folks that have never, well it is almost unimaginable to them.
And that is where this show can score points. And points is what we need.
And dont forget there is another episode next Sunday at the same time. My DVR is set.
" If you can't have no fun, ain't no use agoin' ! " - old man in a Sweetwater, TX cafe