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Author Topic: Discovery Channel This Sunday  (Read 25375 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #160 on: January 17, 2011, 06:09:26 pm »

Please excuse me if I am coming of as rude but it's simply amazing how many ignorant know-it-alls there are in this world. Usually the most ignaorant people have the most negative stuff to say of others. I don't hunt one out but I know a fellow that frequently uses one dog while night vision hunting. He catches more hogs than 95% of the people on here (243 last year) and he is running 55 lb dogs. I run a "pack" of 4 dogs but some of ya'll are running 6-10 dogs. Why do you need so many dogs ? Are you scared of the hog ? I didn't see the show but I know Josh. Very nice fella. I bought a collar from him one time and he sent it out before he ever got money from me. How many on here would do that ? I have never seen his dogs work but who cares if they catch every hog out there. More for you to catch. Like a fella told me, lotta folks talk all kinds of smack about their hunting abilities when its the dogs doing the hard work. Hunters in general should stick together. Look at other countries and how they struggle to maintain their hunting rights. Did Josh shed a negative light on hog dogging in general ? If not, why gossip about him ? Once again sorry if I came off as rude cause I really wanted to call several folks out  Grin

I'm must be in the 5% that catch's more! Grin

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
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