Absolutely, Cwhite! Your way of seeing things is what betters the reputation for all hog hunters. Look professional, go in and be respectful of land owners or care takers, and put your best foot forward. As well, your friendly view of all methods of hog hunting is exactly how many of us feel. Everyone should do it their way and use what works best for them. No question. However, it has been proven in the past that some folks can't promote hog hunting in general without taking jabs at fellow hunters. It just inflames the hunters who have been publicly scorned - and since the majority of hog doggers use more than one dog, L3 gets a bad name. Again, I sincerely hope that lessons have been learned and that we can all move forward from this Discovery Channel show. There is nothing more I would rather see than for this show to be the starting point of mending fences which have been downed for the last few years. I had the manager of our galvanizing plant all kinds of up in my business saying how he watched a show on what we do. It was great publicity even though I had to explain that the size of the hog has nothing to do with whether or not we tie it up. And he also wanted to know how if that hog was giving that MAN a run for his money then how can I as a woman manage to leg hogs. Again, I explained that there was a lot done for dramatic flair and that women are perfectly capable of sealing the deal on bigger hogs. However, that was all part of the conversation that was started because of the program. It was great and I agree that carefully made programs such as this are beneficial to our sport.
THAT SAID, due to the nature of statements in the past, I am VERY nervous about what may or may not be said by this fella in subsequent episodes. It is only natural to harbor some mistrust when it has been duly earned. Once again, I am hoping for the best and I will breathe much easier when the final episode has aired and we are safe from negative commentary. Cheers M
At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.