How about just deleting the threads that are controversial and don't add value the the forum?? Seems pretty simple. Moderators have the power to nip it in the butt but are partially to blame for allowing the threads to go on....
And it does seem pretty simple... But, if I deleted every thread I thought didn't "add value" to the forum, there would be a lot more bitching going on, maybe not in public, but certainly in private. What the average member does not see, is that almost every post/thread I remove, I end up having to deal with a series of PM's from the person who's thread I removed, and occasionally their buddies who are also bent out of shape.
You do have a point about some threads being allowed to linger for too long...
With all do respect, you don't have to answer them. I have already seen moderators say if you don't like the place...leave. Just ignore the bitching and soon or later it will stop and if they want to post on here they will learn to behave, or will just leave....and that's one less trouble maker.
You've got a point. I try to be respectful and respond to people when they PM me. Just because someone might have made a post that was out of line, does not make them a bad person, or someone not deserving of being treated fairly. However, some are real a-holes about it... kinda like the one the other night that resulted in being banned.
Maybe I'll just take your advice and see how it pans out...