There is no argument. These shows will mark the beginning of the end of hog hunting with dogs for sport. This sport is one negative national broadcast away from being out lawed.
Most hog hunters are good people having fun or providing services. The anti's see it as a blood sport. They compare this to dog fighting and hunters provide the footage that will ruin our rights.
These young guys that post bloody dog pictures on these forums don't help. The public can handle a bloody hog, but the dogs get people wound up. I'm not saying don't post pictures, just take a chance to point out the good that's being done, instead of trying to make your chest swell. If the facts get out no one can argue about what wild hogs are doing to the environment. But sadly, laws aren't always based on facts.
My Grandfather caught hogs, raised hogs and handled dogs all of his life for a job. I do it for fun and help local farmers. I have no memory of life without it, please don't take it away from me with careless words, and pictures.
It's not just hunters that find their way on these hog hunting websites. We have to be careful.
SIR---- I agree with you 100%