« on: January 26, 2011, 01:22:13 pm » |
i would let the breeder know for sure that the puppy has demodex and that it is genetic, if they are out to produce good dogs and want to keep a good name for themselves they will give you a refund...but most are only in for the money. i wouldnt kill the dog just becuase it has demodex...get her spayed(it is genetic)....demadex flairs up when the dog is stressed or sick....so if she is in heat she will more then likely flair up or if she gets sick it will start to come back...alot of times if you spay or nueter a dog that has demodex after treating it for the mite....they usually dont have very many breakouts after that....or thats what i took in from working at a great vet clinic for 6 years. good luck!!! and you may want minchin what area you got the pup and what breed so others on here kinda know were not to get a pup from...i dont know if admin will let you put a name..im sure they dont want people bashing other breeders or businesses on here...but its nice to know what area not to buy pups from. ymo-hope it helps! mrs.kbar