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Author Topic: Lavon Davis's Whitey, Billy Don Blevins Red, Hood dogs from the 80's BMC's  (Read 4692 times)
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« on: February 05, 2011, 06:19:32 am »

I often wondered if it would be possible to drive hogs these days, its hard to imagine doing.

Yes, its still possbile if one wanted to, it would take somebody who could sort train and select only baying dogs and had to work them with hogs a lot.  I was pretty lucky in that we had a 200 head bull feedlot that hogs used to come up at night and get in with the bulls, we built a lil different lower board fence addition to where we could ride up and get out and shut a hole off in the feedlot pen.  I had my dogs kenneled right by the feedlot and they saw us trapping hogs in with the bulls.  I had those mules in a trap close by and they would come up to be sadlled.  We would turn loose about 5 or 6 hogdogs and go in there and sort the hogs off from the bulls, these pens were 500x1000 feet and we had 10 of them on each side of a feedbunk barn and they all joined,, we got the hogs going together after leting them sit in a corner being bayed for a hour or so and they kinda packed up and sulked, every time one would stick its head out to try to break out the hog dogs would get right in its face and back it up back to the hogherd, after a while we opened a gate and drive them in and out of a empety feedlot square pen with the dogs and mules.  I remeber dismounting to go get the feedtruck and feed bulls and the dogs stayed there for 3 or 4 more hours with the dogs baying them in the corner solo, we encouraged them some when we drove by and they kept baying the hogs like mad.  When we had all of the feed out in bunks we would open the gates to the 1000 acre coastal feild and enter then pen to drive those hogs across the coastal feild to a hog trap fenced off 10 acres we had left over from the 50;s, it had 9 bobwire and a roll of hog wire on the inside and hog trap wooden gate fingers on one way entrances to the hog trap, it was about 3/4 mile across open turff to drive them, we had to let the dogs do it really slow as the hogs would get to hot and drop dead from the heat, of course it helped that the ymcs could jump in the water trough while still baying those hogs up and get right bak out.  These dogs were the dogs i took down to the straightjacket de monte and got into a mess of hogs that bayed up in a seedtick thicket, i left them baying with about 15 dogs surrounding them, all curs, i kep the dogs from getting to close and they kept the hogs bayed up in there, the hogs got into a cirlce kinda with lil pigs in the middle, boars were on outside and sometimes one would try to break and the dogs would bite him some and run em back into the 15 that were in the thicket, I just sat there on mule for a couple of hours going roudn and round talking to the dogs so they not catch but stay bayed, the hogs kinda get a herd sulked up mindset and stay together, after a while i got the dogs to barely move them out of the thickit but in a group, we drove them about 1/2 mile up to the working pens and shut them off in the hog pen we had there, one dog kinda stayed in the lead and enticed the hogs every once in a while to kinda chase him, of course he was getting them to chase him to the hog trap pen where we had cast out in the first place, i think i started at daylight on 1 mule and it took 3 or 4 hours to drive these hogs like that, it was really slow and almost lost them several times but the dogs kept them in a herd and circling over and over without biting them up to makeem break bay and scatter, just like cows almost they never been penned or worked with dogs.  I did this 2 or 3 times until there were no hogs close enuff to drive, prob 1985 i guess, now seems like more russian in the hogs everwhere, i never tried it anywhere but bee county on our place, i not sure it would have worked of 100% Russians i see in hear every day.  We had good feral hogs back then.

Rat Terriers aka fiests  black white tans, solid black and tans,  solid red,  ratting, squirrel  varmit stock from ranch raised varmit dogs, 10 to 30 pounds (for sale)
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