I picked up a ybmc at my deer lease the other day. He was about starved to death so I picked him up and brought him home. He had no identification on at all. I wormed and put a little weight on him and decided to take him hunting. He did great for about the first 20 minutes and then his backend was giving out on him. Like he couldn't support hisself. I let him rest for about 2 weeks and took him back out Friday. Same thing. He can walk fine but when he runs a little bit his backend gives out on him. Have y'all had this problem? Is this hip displacia or maybe he needs some vitamins? I like the dog a lot and sure would hate to have to get rid of him because I cant keep a dog that has a problem hunting. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Prob got bad bruize, get some greyhound steriods from soembody and shoot him up and swim him in water trough and build him back up, hope this helps, dont give up unless xray shows a fracture or something, we had 2 or 3 like this and used the steriods to reduce inflamtion, of course feed the heck outta him get a heat pard to sleep on might help and spray him with water hose on his butt an dback to get blood flowing, you can also go to walmart and get a cheap vivbrator and use it on him 2 or 3 times a day as well, please no coments about the walmart tool!!!lol