« on: March 05, 2011, 09:04:19 pm » |
THEY ARE DUBBED AND BAYPEN TRAINED! Thanks to all the young folks and John who helped work pens and bay some pretty wimpy hogs(Beau would call them evil, devilish or some thing like that but these TEXAS youngans wanted to make house pets out of em). Yep, they just follow you around like little puppies. Half time show was put on by JohnW. He did his famous cord wood roll. Its a neat little trick he does. He just rolls into fetal position and lets a boar hog root him around the pen(most of his pants stayed on) even though it looked fun from where I was standing, about five feet away, I don't think I'll try it. I could have stepped in and helped but that would have interfered with my laughter. Thanks again, Skipper