Ok I know plotts we don't like them as coonhunting dogs cuz they are gators on a tree! But I bet that works out perfect on hogs. My luck I'll buy a plott and it'll wanna be a coondog. Lol
who breeds plott hog dogs I know where some are in north Carolina but they ain't hog dogs they look up when they bark.
WHOOOAAA WAIT JUST A MINUTE Im gonna have to dissagree, and saying that plotts as a whole are alligators is about like saying all pits are vicious killers. I have seen 10 times more walkers that are alligators at the tree. I been bear and coon huntin plotts 20 yrs, and been to more trees than i care to count with 15-20 plotts fallin on each other with no aggression. Not saying that there aint a few out there, but that drives me crazy when i here people say they dont like plotts cause the are ill and dog agressive, when most have never even owned one, just going by hearsay or judging by one dogs actions.