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Author Topic: trien to do right  (Read 1511 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: March 08, 2011, 09:16:44 am »

i`ll give yall the run down on the whole deal. The fellar from canton did`nt want to sale the dog on trial or show the dog because it was`nt worth his time to do so Shocked . So i tried to set up a hunt with guy to hunt his spot and then hunt my spot. His reply was aint no dog worth that kinda hassle, keep in mind this is a 6 year old finished strike dog with a FINISHED price!!! He has owned the dog since it was 2yr old, but could`nt answer any questions i wanted to know about the dog other than it would find it`s own hog and catch with the bulldog. And would only tell that to the other guy that got the dog. So me and Heath ended up at my house where he picked up some freebies!!! We both left our numbers with the guy to call us back if he changed his mind, And he did, he called heath back and cut the price on the dog in half with guarantee that the dog would impress anybody at anytime no matter who was hunting her! So Heath asked me what i thought about the deal and i told him if the guy would hold to his word then i might would try her out. And that i would take him and the dog on trial on there first hunt together with the BMC i gave him. OK now to the hunt we get dogs ready and cast them, all the dogs blow out except u guess the gyp on trial and a 3 month old pup, she trips 4 ppl in 20 yards of walking trien to put her paws on there sides. a few mins into the hunt first hog has been struck and all the dogs honor the bay except u guess who? she follows us to the bay and catch dogs and bay dogs have the hog stretched out a mile long. there was 3 8 to 10 month old pups that were on there 4th hunt that was hammering away and the gyp on trial was just standing there about 15 feet from the hog and dogs just watching, remember she is suppose to be caught with the catch dogs. we hobble the hog get moveing and the other dogs including the pups roll out and are hunting again but not the gyp on trial she is tripping ppl again Undecided!!! about half way in she starts to look like she is winding and goes about 150 yards looks up a tree and takes a poop Huh? never seen that one before. she gets a lil pep in her takes off and is gone about 3 mins and runs in again, bout this time heath is pretty upset with the dog and is compairing dogs at this point  the gyp he got from me is 15 month old cur gyp and been in the woods 5 times on 4 hogs and is gone out of site for about 15 mins at a time rangeing about 300 yards out working and heath is beaming and steaming at the same time. we get on another boar get em shut down on the first bay and once again same thing with gyp on trial wont honor wont bay and sure did`nt catch with the catch dogs, so in my book this dog is below a started dog and is a cull and i would be calling the guy while i was in the woods!!! dogs roll out again and we end up on a shoalt spree and never once did the gyp on trial show any intrest in a hog or pigglet . the 3 month old pup bayed its first pig in the woods and a finished strike dog never even sniffed at one Angry. on our way out the guy that sold the dog called heath and asked how she did and heath told him what the run down was and the guy just could not beleive it. he told heath to keep the dog another week and they would hunt her on his place so all we can do is c what happens,  i told heath i would go with him when and if they hunt her together, so in my opinion the dog was not worth a hill of beans.

Dogs hit the ground noses down! That's how we roll...
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