I posted due to what i read.... IMO its no big deal for a couple of pups to rough around with each other, thats what pups do...
Then you posted that you whooped the fire out of her for biting you... I read your post as she was showing dog and human aggression at 6 months old...I apologize if i came off as a smarta$$
As far as your question goes, i have hunted many many times with 1 bulldog by myself...If your strike dogs help catch, it wont be as hard on your CD....but if you get on a bad hog and only dog on him is the CD, it could be alot harder for it to control the hog, and makes it more dangerous for you also.... carrying a gun wouldnt be a bad idea for hunting alone with only one CD....imo
good luck with her...
Who could argue with that, you may only need a second cd or pistol once in a blue moon but be glad its their when you need it. Toting a pistol seems easier than 2 cds on a lead