I know this is kinda deviating from the original topic but for those that do it regularly (Michael, Clint etc) how many times have you had a close call while turning a hog loose? I had some close calls this past year doing it and I had a 180# sow grab a hold of my foot and nearly pull me out of a tree that I was jumping up in
. Turned a good boar loose over the summer and me and Mike were ready behind a tree when Sam turned him loose and in an effort to get away Sam ran and jumped over a downed tree and nearly broke his neck (sorry Sam it was funny).
If I had my choice I would always do like I do on my private land places that I have permission to do so, I would catch and release everything except for what I wanted to kill. I hate feeling like I have to kill a hog just because I cought it but it is what you gotta where people want the hogs gone. Kinda makes me feel like a buffalo hunter.....