How is the odor now that they have been in there for awhile do you have any at all? That was my only reservation with building concrete.
Thanks for the compliments. I've really enjoyed the setup.
There is absolutely no odor. I wash with plain water daily, then once a month all the kennels get a scrub down with soap and a rinse with a product I found called "K.O.E" which stands for kennel odor eliminator. I'm telling you, that stuff is a miracle chemical. You can google it and read more about how it works. I try to be very cautious about what goes down the drain because of the septic. When I put the septic in, in my mind I was going to be satisfied if I had to have it pumped once a year. Knock on wood, I'm going on two years of housing +/- 15 dogs at all times and its still working like a champ. There's been a *LOT* of poop that's gone down that thing! I do put the septic tank treatment down the drain once monthly.
Here's the 30' X 20' puppy pen I just built behind the regular pens. The only thing I still have left to do is put a gutter along the roof overhang so rain water doesn't pour right in the pen. That's probably a project for this weekend.
I started a thread with a few pics of the yellow pups.