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Author Topic: ROCKIN H EVENT ORDER (DIANA TX)  (Read 5058 times)
Catch Dog
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Posts: 176

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« on: April 04, 2011, 09:54:37 am »

your dogs are judged on controlling the hog if the dog loses eye contact with the hog or loops out they are deducted a point every time. and the dog has to make the hog be still or try to make him set up if the hog goes a certian distance usually about 25' or so with out the dog trying to shut it down that is drifting and the dog will have points deducted. also if the dog bays to loose or to far away from the hog it is deducted. or if the dog is to close or pressureing the hog to make him run then it gets points deducted. if the dog catches the hog when the hog stops the count begins and after 3 sec it will be dq. the cal cutta is the oction of the dogs performance before the bay starts that is just a pot for the winners. and thats about it im sure others will help fill you in if i missed somthin. but u can call me for any more question at 903 256 7178 or 903 968 2806
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